Get an insight into how our funds work with sustainability

Our responsible investment approach in Danske Invest is underpinned by clear policies, instructions, guidelines and reporting. On this page, you will find relevant documentation on our approach and the frameworks supporting our work.

Further, you can also access sustainability-related disclosures originating from regulation, such as how we manage the principle adverse impacts (PAI) that our investments might have on sustainability factors and product specific information. 

SFDR statements

The EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is a regulation that aims to enhance transparency and comparability to investors on how asset managers and institutional investors integrate sustainability dimensions in their general processes and at investment product level.

Under SFDR, Danske Invest is committed to disclose how we integrate sustainability risks in our investment decision-making processes and remuneration policies. Further, how and to which extent we consider and manage the principal adverse impacts (PAI) that our investments may have on society. The respective statements are available below.

Further information can be accessed in “Our policies and process descriptions”.

Statement on principal adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors

Sustainability-related disclosures for our funds

For funds that are promoting environmental or/social characteristics or have a sustainable investment objective, you can find relevant information on these commitments in the annexes to the fund’s prospectuses and further detailed in fund specific website-disclosures. 

How we succeed in integrating these dimensions in the funds is reported in the annual reports of the funds.

You can access this information under our funds or through this link.